Gun Violence and the Disability Community

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  • Social Issues Affecting the Disability Community

    Gun Violence Increases Disability Population

    The National Rifal Association through their abuse of free speech is a clear and present danger to the safety and security of the United States. Never have so few, endangered so many for so long. It is not just about the tragic deaths of children for whom we all greave. It is also about the millions physically and mentally disabled by gun violence. Great companies are severing ties with the NRA and the voices of millions of young people are not intimidated by the tactics of gun extremists. The disability rights movement should follow on to prevent millions of gun related disabilities in the future. Let us find compromise. The second amendment is a sacred constitutional trust between the American people and the government we the people established. Polls indicate that a super majority want laws that make sense and at least attempt to keep guns out of the hands of the dangerous and deranged to help prevent deaths and disabilities through mass gun violence. We must all applaud Dick’s Sporting goods Walmart and others in the market place for having the courage to act where little is found among political leaders. The youth have it right when they say that the NRA is protecting the rights of gun makers and not the rights of gun owners. Cut up your membership card, no more death and disability for the sake of profit! We the people demand changes. The NRA has bought lawmakers we must do it ourselves. Drop NRA memberships, boycott businesses who support them. No more death and disability for profit through mass gun violence. Douglas George Towne Chair/Chief Executive Officer - Access Ready Inc.